Trial Lawyer

My Philosophy

  • I am a Trial Lawyer First

In our civil judicial system, the courtroom is the one arena where David and Goliath are bound by the same rules on the same playing field. It is not always truly equal or truly fair, but – as a whole – it is the best system I know to resolve civil disputes. Knowing how to effectively try a case is an absolutely critical skill every successful lawyer must have. The opposing side will only pay as much as it is convinced a jury might award.

Regardless of the type of case you have, my approach in handling your case is the same. Every accepted case is taken under the assumption that it will be tried in Court, even though statistically only a small percentage of cases are tried to a jury verdict.

Some lawyers take cases hoping for a settlement. Those lawyers, and their clients, are doomed (in my opinion). As your attorney, I cannot ‘force' the other side settle. I can only demonstrate to them the wisdom of doing so. My commitment is to have your case ready for trial, when it is called.

Some lawyer firms take on matters looking for a quick settlement, either because they run a volume practice or because they do not devote the necessary resources to develop your claim to its maximum value. Settlements are most often reached only after hard work -- work that you can see; on terms that you understand and that make sense to you.

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